Painlessly Transition to a Composable DXP

With over 20 years of experience building websites on the top DXP platforms, we know how to ease you into your composable future..

Let’s Talk


What does it mean to be composable?

Composability is a software development paradigm that decouples components or services into modular, interdependent units. With a composable DXP suite, customers can choose components (or tools) from a single vendor or opt for components from different vendors to align with their specific requirements. These components may include your content management system, personalization, analytics, or a consumer data platform, just to name a few.

A headless tool is a backend-only component that does not include the portion that displays the interface to customers. It merely exposes your data (via an API) that can be consumed by the front-end code that renders the user experience.

What is headless?

OK, so where’s the head?

In a composable architecture, the head is the code that makes up the user interface that users see and interact with. It’s important to understand that this piece is now more valuable than ever. You can grow and evolve the head independently from the tools that you use. If you decide to swap out one tool -- or all of them -- your investment in the head is maintained.

The interface that your customers interact with—the brand experience—is now wholly owned by you. You can change tools as you grow and evolve.

Benefits of a Composable DXP

  • Extensibility icon

    Higher Performance

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  • Flexibility icon

    Improved SEO

    This is some text about the benefit of composable. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore.

  • Integration icon

    More Flexibily

    This is some text about the benefit of composable. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore.

  • Data icon

    Reduced Costs

    This is some text about the benefit of composable. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore. This is some text about the benefit of sitecore.

  • Let’s talk about your composable future

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